10 September 2011

Gynecologic Problems, Yeast Infection, Bacterial Vaginosis, and Trichomonas


The female reproductive tract is a complex and intricate system.  It must stay balanced in order to remain healthy.  When the vaginal, ovarian, uterine, and hormonal aspects work to "factory standards" the female tract is a self sustaining, self cleaning, and self regulating milieu that demand nothing more from the patient other than general external hygiene.  Internal cleaning, douching, talcum powders, creams and ointments can be detrimental to the balance and actually cause some of the problems that patients are trying to avoid.

 I've written extensively about the menstrual cycle and problems during cycles in other publications and an in-depth discussion is beyond the scope of this article.  Suffice it to say that the hormones that are controlled by the brain, secreted by the ovaries, and that act on the uterus and vagina all work together to keep the environment of the vagina amicable to the needs of the moment where as ovulation and possible fertilization dictates a certain set of pH, lubrication, and mucus consistency and menstruation a different set of variables. An interruption or defection of many of these processes can lead to internal or external pelvic irritation, infection, or worse. 

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